Re-Maxed Iceolation by Kieron Johnson


SKU: M002215 Category:

You will get

1xGimmick Set
1xInstruction DVD


Fresh from his award winning debut at the Edinburgh International Magic Festival, Kieron Johnson brings you his latest creation which simply will blow you away. The ice man cometh with the evolution of To The Max, Mighty Magic productions brings you RE-MAXED ICEOLATION

“Amazing, Creative and New” – Luke Jermay

This brand new effect will fit perfectly into your close up set, parlour and stage routine. Think of your perfect kicker ending to one of your favourite routines and then simply double it and then you have RE-MAXED ICEOLATION

“Its modern day TV Magic that happens in your hands” – Ravi Mayar

This ultimate utility device adds another incredible layer of powerful magic to your routines, imagine being able to load a card, prediction, credit card, room keys, bills, and much much more into a solid block of ice that is sealed inside a zip bag that fits inside your wallet.

“Kieron has created a routine with an ending so impossible that no one will see it coming. A creative effect from a very creative magician” “love it” – Lee Smith

This device has been thrilling audience across the world including on the golden beaches of Dubai in 40 degrees of heat. This device will Re-start Re-invigorate and Re-energise the way you look at magic. Mighty Magic Productions bring you RE-MAXED ICEOLATION

“This is miracle magic that people never forget. Powerful reputation making magic your audiences will go crazy for. You’ll love performing this.” – Matt Colman



Weight0.900 kg


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Re-Maxed Iceolation by Kieron Johnson
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